Baloch National Gathering (Photo: Twitter)

The Baloch National Gathering: Uniting against State oppression and exploitation

The Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar marks a pivotal moment in the history of the Baloch struggle, symbolizing unity, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of justice.

Are Bangladesh’s peacekeepers really “fit for the future”?

Bangladesh which had only started to recruit women officers in its armed forces in 2000, deployed an all-female police unit in Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake where they fought against crimes like rape and assault in addition to protecting humanitarian convoys and preventing civic disorder.

Nearly four decades after Kanishka bombing, no accountability: India must not relent

A Canadian inquiry commission implicated Canada-based Babbar Khalsa for bombing Kanishka and killing 329 people, mostly Indians, on board, pointing out a series of errors by the Canadian government, police and security intelligence service; but Canada’s follow up to punish those responsible was pathetic, including letting off the American-origin suspect scot free. 

An open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Sapan

The Southasia Peace Action Network, or SAPAN, who say they are an independent, non-polical, non-partisan alliance of individuals and representatives of various organisations across South Asia and the South Asian diaspora  with an agenda for South Asian peace and unity, have written an open letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulating him for winning a third term and advocating for more inclusive SAARC relations and resuming a dialogue with Pakistan for a cooperative South Asia,

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Tank tales of an Indian Army veteran

I approached the bund in second gear and as the tank negotiated it, I saw Deepak descending from the top in free fall, headed for Mother Earth, and disappearing under the tank while I reflexively pressed the brake pedal.

A World at War: When Hell you create, you too will burn

The World’s at war

Islamist terror attack in Israel: A warning signal to India

Prime Minister Modi has been among the first to condemn the attack on Israel and pledge India’s support to Israel in this difficult time. Modi has read the writing on the wall and appears to be of the view that  what has happened in Israel may happen to India too. 

Bhagavad Gita and the concept of time

In the beginning time and space were together and in equilibrium. We do not know how this equilibrium was disturbed. But once it did, time came out and space started flowing and that was the beginning of the Universe.

Interim caretaker system is inconsistent with democratic politics

The interim caretaker system mostly benefits the military as seen in conflict-prone countries like Pakistan and even in Bangladesh in its last term.

Instead of lecturing other countries like Bangladesh, the US should look at its own human rights record

Faced with growing gun proliferation, US politicians have done nothing more than indulge in empty talk and prolonged debates, while pointing fingers at the human rights situation of other countries like Bangladesh.

Pietermaritzburg and Gandhi: Seeing a wicket gate to justice and reconciliation in adversity

When the world saw only the watertight compartments, Gandhi could see the presence of a wicket gate amidst repression, which made him build on the path of nonviolent struggle. He said, ‘humans are essentially good, susceptible to error and amenable to truth.’

Combat trafficking of women in South Asia: Sapan Webinar

Thousands of women in the region are sold within their countries, across borders and trafficked to the Middle East and other parts of the world.

India's chili diplomacy shows it's a true friend of Bangladesh

During the recent green-chili crisis, India helped Bangladesh control and stabilize its local market prices through chili exports, even though that led to its sharp price rise back home.

“I survived a plane crash in Karachi that left 98 dead”

How disorderly politics and economics combined to create the roiling mess that sank the domestic infrastructure ecosystem, including the airlines, in Pakistan. This was after all, one of seven Pakistani planes to crash within a decade.

Before Uniform Civil Code, how about a Uniform Women Code?

In the proposed UCC now  being formulated, all aspects that are related to protecting the privileges of women should be  taken out and  included in a new Uniform Women Code.

A Uniform Civil Code will help Muslim women in India fight injustices

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s  government has proposed a Uniform Civil Code for India where all citizens  would have the same law apply to their economic, social  and religious rights. If such a law were to be enacted, it would ensure that injustices done to Muslim women in India were wiped out in  one stroke.

The real meaning behind Modi's Hindu Invocations at new parliament inauguration

It is high time that every Indian, whether Christian, Muslim, Sikh, or Buddhist, recognize that India is essentially a country based on Hindu ethos, even as people belonging to other religions are at total liberty to follow their religious dictums.  Any objection to Modi following Hindu religious practices for inaugurating the new parliament is not appropriate. Modi has shown the way and blown away the unreal secularism phobia.

Maharashtra power tussle: Question marks over the Supreme Court judgement

There was clearly visible cheap politics on all sides but the Supreme Court seems to prefer the politics of the Thackeray faction rather than the legislative majority.

Challenges in Ladakh: Appropriate technology can improve standard of living

Ladakh is endowed with an excellent water supply through pristine rivers which flow across the land.  This water can be used in the greenhouses to grow vegetables, fodder and other produce.