Representational Photo

The Last Words of a Dying Tree

My body is bare from wear and tear,
A victim of the ravages of Man.

You Are Your Own Best Friend

Never let loneliness get you down,
Go climb the wall and play the clown,
Frolic around and dance in the rain,

Can the SIFC power Pakistan's economic revival?

SIFC seeks to lure $20 billion more in FDI focusing on renewable resources, agriculture and technology. Its goal is to stabilize Pakistan's balance of payments by elevating exports and cutting down imports mainly in vital fields like energy and food.

Neither A Million Moons Nor A Thousand Suns

Would ever take the place of a loving heart, 
For both light and warmth from within arise 
Let's get that straight from the start.

More on Open Forum

What Ails the World Today

Religion is the bane of the world today

Open Letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan on judicial reforms

Reforms when implemented, will not only restore public confidence in our justice system but will attract local and foreign investment, paving way for a more stable and prosperous Pakistan.

Can Pakistan reap its demographic dividend?

Huge numbers of young people without education, skills, or work possibilities can lead to greater poverty, social discontent, and even radicalisation. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2022 Stats, Pakistan’s youth literacy rate is merely 72.7%.

AAUC announces Asian American Unity Summit and invites nominations for awards

The Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC) has announced 2024 Asian American Unity Summit from September 19th to 20th, 2024, to be held at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. 

The Baloch National Gathering: Uniting against State oppression and exploitation

The Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar marks a pivotal moment in the history of the Baloch struggle, symbolizing unity, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of justice.

Are Bangladesh’s peacekeepers really “fit for the future”?

Bangladesh which had only started to recruit women officers in its armed forces in 2000, deployed an all-female police unit in Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake where they fought against crimes like rape and assault in addition to protecting humanitarian convoys and preventing civic disorder.

Nearly four decades after Kanishka bombing, no accountability: India must not relent

A Canadian inquiry commission implicated Canada-based Babbar Khalsa for bombing Kanishka and killing 329 people, mostly Indians, on board, pointing out a series of errors by the Canadian government, police and security intelligence service; but Canada’s follow up to punish those responsible was pathetic, including letting off the American-origin suspect scot free. 

An open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Sapan

The Southasia Peace Action Network, or SAPAN, who say they are an independent, non-polical, non-partisan alliance of individuals and representatives of various organisations across South Asia and the South Asian diaspora  with an agenda for South Asian peace and unity, have written an open letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulating him for winning a third term and advocating for more inclusive SAARC relations and resuming a dialogue with Pakistan for a cooperative South Asia,

The matriarch who keeps winning: Why the BJP failed in Bengal

What makes TMC, or its supremo Mamata Banerjee, seemingly unbeatable in West Bengal? Why does she keep winning despite her indifferent governance, multiple scams and embarrassing outbursts in public?

Indian diaspora must practice new paradigms in T&T, foster closer cultural ties with India

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has just returned from India where he signed an agreement, among other things, to assist in the establishment of a cricket academy at Trincity in northern Trinidad. 

Bangladeshi students protest Western hypocrisy over Palestine

In contrast, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islam, known as Islamist parties, are maintaining stone-cold silence over Palestine.

Brazilian foreign minister's visit should invigorate Bangladesh-Brazil ties

Brazil and Bangladesh have the potential for cooperation in a variety of industries, including agriculture, textiles, technology, and renewable energy, despite their physical distance from one another.

The Foundation Stone

What kind of God was this

Empowering women in India's MSME sector: Access to information and resources imperative

By addressing these challenges and implementing these recommendations, we can empower women entrepreneurs in the MSME sector, promote gender equality, and contribute to the socio-economic development of India.

Is US influence in world politics declining?

The struggle that the United States has faced to garner support for the Yemen campaign illustrates its diminishing ability to rally its allies to its causes. The lack of nations willing to engage in a war for US interests signals a shift in global dynamics. Even longstanding allies, such as Israel, appear less inclined to align with US policies.