Baloch National Gathering (Photo: Twitter)

The Baloch National Gathering: Uniting against State oppression and exploitation

The Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar marks a pivotal moment in the history of the Baloch struggle, symbolizing unity, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of justice.

Are Bangladesh’s peacekeepers really “fit for the future”?

Bangladesh which had only started to recruit women officers in its armed forces in 2000, deployed an all-female police unit in Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake where they fought against crimes like rape and assault in addition to protecting humanitarian convoys and preventing civic disorder.

Nearly four decades after Kanishka bombing, no accountability: India must not relent

A Canadian inquiry commission implicated Canada-based Babbar Khalsa for bombing Kanishka and killing 329 people, mostly Indians, on board, pointing out a series of errors by the Canadian government, police and security intelligence service; but Canada’s follow up to punish those responsible was pathetic, including letting off the American-origin suspect scot free. 

An open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Sapan

The Southasia Peace Action Network, or SAPAN, who say they are an independent, non-polical, non-partisan alliance of individuals and representatives of various organisations across South Asia and the South Asian diaspora  with an agenda for South Asian peace and unity, have written an open letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulating him for winning a third term and advocating for more inclusive SAARC relations and resuming a dialogue with Pakistan for a cooperative South Asia,

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New US visa policy for Bangladesh not against Hasina government

As a result of this new US policy, a major change is being observed in the policy of the Western world towards Bangladesh. If the BNP boycotts the elections as a result of the new policy, they will not get any support from the Western world - that is clear.

Modi should also espouse the cause of hapless Tibetans

Modi’s laudable efforts for world peace by trying to bring accord between Ukraine and Russia would be an incomplete exercise if he fails to espouse nearer home the plight of the Tibetans and highlight their pain

Modi, in his tenth year as PM, should launch a war on corruption and dynasty politics

With just around 12 months before the next parliamentary election, Modi has little time to lose in meeting the expectations of the people in eradicating corruption.

A farcical democracy? Need to restore inner-party democracy in India

Otherwise, democracy will remain meaningless-- once in five-year exercise by ordinary citizens who are represented by MPs/MLAs who themselves are bonded labourers of a controlling coterie. 

Need to sensitise Indian Muslims to the knowledge economy

India has made school education free and compulsory for all and even provided additional privileges to minority and traditionally disadvantaged communities. However, the spread of education among the Muslim communities still lags behind the mainstream for a variety of reasons, mostly economic, regressive social practices, and an inadequately enlightened clergy.

Need to build trust among Rohingyas first for smooth repatriation

The Rohingyas will not consent to reside in the "model village" that is being constructed in Maungdoo for the rehabilitation of the Rohingyas. Most significantly, not a single Rohingya wants to go back to Rakhine until they can be assured of citizenship.

Artificial intelligence says ‘India has emerged as significant player in global AI landscape’

ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing on Edge are the trending experimental uses of artificial intelligence, harnessing its powers to write reports and collate information.

U75: Historic national launch of carbon neutrality in 75 universities across India

Under SCCN universities are encouraged to kick start the localising and implementing the SDGs and Net Zero on their campuses.

Should PM Modi be spending so much time campaigning in state elections?

The net result is that the valuable time of PM Modi, which should be spent on the governance of the country, has been sacrificed for winning an election in one state.

South Asian peace activists condemn Kashmir terror attack, support Pakistani foreign minister’s India visit

Sapan has long been advocating for bilateral engagements and liberalisation of visas for family members, students, pilgrims, exchange of artists, and cricket bilateral series. The petition #MilneDo (let people meet) coordinated by the group has garnered several thousand signatures.

Bangladesh's Digital Security Act needs amendment, not abolition

The Bangladesh government should quickly consider the amendment to safeguard dissident voices in a democracy. An amendment should find the middle ground between the activists and the government, considering the necessity of such a law.

Understanding the science of Patanjali Yoga Sutras

It seems a little strange that Sage Patanjali who was the first to enunciate the yoga principles of thought control and mind enhancement would not have included the important science of Kundalini Yoga in it. One can speculate that probably that section could have been extracted by some commentators from his sutras and made into a separate science of Tantric Yoga.

Salim Durrani, a cavalier batsman. a lethal bowler, a charismatic presence in the Indian team (1934-2023)

Had Salim Durrani been a cricketer in current times he would have been one of the most admired cricket stars flooded with lucrative endorsement deals. He came at a time when cricket was cricket and not a straight path to insane fame and fortune.

Misconceptions about trees: Power, pulp, fodder and fertilizer from subabul – a multipurpose tree

All three species provide good tree cover and much-needed green lung to cities like Delhi and it will be foolish to eradicate them.

South Asia activists urge governments to convene SAARC Summit

With ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ -- the world is one family -- as the motto for this year’s G20 Summit to be held in India, it is perhaps a good time to remind South Asian governments that they, too, are part of one region