May your skies be clear and blue,
Your nights and days forever true,

May your skies be clear and blue,
Your nights and days forever true,
Your words and deeds always such,
That you never have to anything rue.
May you never have to stoop or bend,
Or ‘sorrys’ to anyone ever send,
But should you need to then you must,
To a winner be, at the end.
May you never have to pain endure,
May the steps you take be firm and sure,
May your train of thought that never ends,
Pass through a filter, emerge pure.
May joy always pave the way,
May you be blessed at work and play,
May roses in your garden grow, and,
These blessings keep all thorns away.
When uneven is the path you tread,
Keep your cool, keep your head,
No panic do you ever need,
Keep hope and faith alive instead.
Find your ways to peace of mind,
Else you will be to yourself unkind,
You are important to yourself, but,
To the needs of others, never be blind.
(Ashok Sawhny is a prolific poet who has over 35 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at
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Spotify: Ashok Sawhny Poetry of Life ( English)
Ashok Sawhny, Dastan -e- Zindagi ( Urdu )
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