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When Eyes are Moist and the Heart Bleeds

When eyes are moist and the heart bleeds
And, sorrow reigns supreme,

Very, Very, Random Thoughts

Old Age is a bloody curse
There, surely, can’t be very much worse,

Happy New Year

Look at the Blue Skies
Enjoy Paradise,

Sunrise Lost in the Haze

Don’t let anyone near the Soul
They may only wish to tarnish it,

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How Green Was My Valley

Cry not, faint heart,
Light up the present alley,

There is no smoke without a fire

Nothing’s achieved without desire, Ambition’s not the same as greed To the difference, we must pay heed.

The World Today

To get the meaning of this verse
Simply, look at the Universe,

Banish the Blues

Banish the blues – Why blow a fuse? Happy or morose, The choice is yours.

Donald Trump 2.0: How will it impact India, Pakistan and China

Recall Trump’s televised speech from Fort Myer, Arlington (Virginia) on August 21, 2017, sternly warning Pakistan to stop sheltering and exporting terror. But Pakistan never stopped and America signed a Pakistan-scripted peace deal with the Taliban. 


Sustainability is the “pet” word today
Yet, no one has the faintest clue

The Paradox of Obscurity

Why am I not a known name? 
Does obscurity bring me peace of mind? 

The Dangers That Lie Within the Letter “N”

Biden, Putin, Macron, 
Zelen, look at the nexus of the letter ‘N’,

The Winter of Discontent

The dark and dreary robe of winter,
The shroud that takes all light away,

Diwali in Trinidad and Tobago: Renewing faith in Hinduism and Indian culture

The observance of Diwali has its roots for 186 years since the arrival of the first of East Indians who came here from India, principally Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They not only contributed to socio-economic development, but engineered a religious and cultural platform. The Indian diaspora proudly celebrates numerous East Indian religious festivals

Knowledge Gain via Quantum Entanglement

All great discoveries of the world like Einstein’s gravitation theory, Newton’s theory of light, gravity, motion, great music of Beethoven, Mozart among others, and the knowledge of Universe by sages and scientists has been obtained by this process. 

The Last Words of a Dying Tree

My body is bare from wear and tear,
A victim of the ravages of Man.

You Are Your Own Best Friend

Never let loneliness get you down,
Go climb the wall and play the clown,
Frolic around and dance in the rain,

Can the SIFC power Pakistan's economic revival?

SIFC seeks to lure $20 billion more in FDI focusing on renewable resources, agriculture and technology. Its goal is to stabilize Pakistan's balance of payments by elevating exports and cutting down imports mainly in vital fields like energy and food.

Neither A Million Moons Nor A Thousand Suns

Would ever take the place of a loving heart, 
For both light and warmth from within arise 
Let's get that straight from the start.