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When Eyes are Moist and the Heart Bleeds

When eyes are moist and the heart bleeds
And, sorrow reigns supreme,

Very, Very, Random Thoughts

Old Age is a bloody curse
There, surely, can’t be very much worse,

Happy New Year

Look at the Blue Skies
Enjoy Paradise,

Sunrise Lost in the Haze

Don’t let anyone near the Soul
They may only wish to tarnish it,

More on Open Forum

Combat trafficking of women in South Asia: Sapan Webinar

Thousands of women in the region are sold within their countries, across borders and trafficked to the Middle East and other parts of the world.

India's chili diplomacy shows it's a true friend of Bangladesh

During the recent green-chili crisis, India helped Bangladesh control and stabilize its local market prices through chili exports, even though that led to its sharp price rise back home.

“I survived a plane crash in Karachi that left 98 dead”

How disorderly politics and economics combined to create the roiling mess that sank the domestic infrastructure ecosystem, including the airlines, in Pakistan. This was after all, one of seven Pakistani planes to crash within a decade.

Before Uniform Civil Code, how about a Uniform Women Code?

In the proposed UCC now  being formulated, all aspects that are related to protecting the privileges of women should be  taken out and  included in a new Uniform Women Code.

A Uniform Civil Code will help Muslim women in India fight injustices

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s  government has proposed a Uniform Civil Code for India where all citizens  would have the same law apply to their economic, social  and religious rights. If such a law were to be enacted, it would ensure that injustices done to Muslim women in India were wiped out in  one stroke.

The real meaning behind Modi's Hindu Invocations at new parliament inauguration

It is high time that every Indian, whether Christian, Muslim, Sikh, or Buddhist, recognize that India is essentially a country based on Hindu ethos, even as people belonging to other religions are at total liberty to follow their religious dictums.  Any objection to Modi following Hindu religious practices for inaugurating the new parliament is not appropriate. Modi has shown the way and blown away the unreal secularism phobia.

Maharashtra power tussle: Question marks over the Supreme Court judgement

There was clearly visible cheap politics on all sides but the Supreme Court seems to prefer the politics of the Thackeray faction rather than the legislative majority.

Challenges in Ladakh: Appropriate technology can improve standard of living

Ladakh is endowed with an excellent water supply through pristine rivers which flow across the land.  This water can be used in the greenhouses to grow vegetables, fodder and other produce.

New US visa policy for Bangladesh not against Hasina government

As a result of this new US policy, a major change is being observed in the policy of the Western world towards Bangladesh. If the BNP boycotts the elections as a result of the new policy, they will not get any support from the Western world - that is clear.

Modi should also espouse the cause of hapless Tibetans

Modi’s laudable efforts for world peace by trying to bring accord between Ukraine and Russia would be an incomplete exercise if he fails to espouse nearer home the plight of the Tibetans and highlight their pain

Modi, in his tenth year as PM, should launch a war on corruption and dynasty politics

With just around 12 months before the next parliamentary election, Modi has little time to lose in meeting the expectations of the people in eradicating corruption.

A farcical democracy? Need to restore inner-party democracy in India

Otherwise, democracy will remain meaningless-- once in five-year exercise by ordinary citizens who are represented by MPs/MLAs who themselves are bonded labourers of a controlling coterie. 

Need to sensitise Indian Muslims to the knowledge economy

India has made school education free and compulsory for all and even provided additional privileges to minority and traditionally disadvantaged communities. However, the spread of education among the Muslim communities still lags behind the mainstream for a variety of reasons, mostly economic, regressive social practices, and an inadequately enlightened clergy.

Need to build trust among Rohingyas first for smooth repatriation

The Rohingyas will not consent to reside in the "model village" that is being constructed in Maungdoo for the rehabilitation of the Rohingyas. Most significantly, not a single Rohingya wants to go back to Rakhine until they can be assured of citizenship.

Artificial intelligence says ‘India has emerged as significant player in global AI landscape’

ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing on Edge are the trending experimental uses of artificial intelligence, harnessing its powers to write reports and collate information.