The Winter of Discontent
The dark and dreary robe of winter,
The shroud that takes all light away,

The dark and dreary robe of winter,
The shroud that takes all light away,
The discontent of the roving soul,
Till spring heralds a brighter day.
Winter blues and colours all,
Misty, cloudy, snow around,
Christmas cheer and happy tidings,
Tinsel, bunting, smiles abound.
Let’s brighten up our darkened hearts,
Put happiness there instead of fear,
Nothing prettier than pearly whites –
Let not our eyes shed a tear.
Let’s turn shivering cold into heat,
By the warmth of our very presence,
Let’s all around us radiate,
The glow that’s us and our essence.
Cherish the beauty of falling snow,
The drifting flakes, all smiles, no frowns,
Making all that they can find,
Resplendent white satin gowns.
Let’s banish then this discontent,
From the recesses of the mind;
Nights there will always be,
Daylight’s what we have to find.
(Ashok Sawhny is a prolific poet who has over 35 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at
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