South China Sea

Can India counter the Chinese challenge in the Indo Pacific?

China's rising military and economic involvement in the region provides India with a strategic challenge to formulate a foreign and security policy blueprint for the Indo-Pacific. 

NATO’s 75th Anniversary Summit: Profound implications for Indo-Pacific geopolitics and regional security

The participation of Indo-Pacific partners in the NATO summit epitomizes the breaking of traditional geopolitical barriers, ushering in what is often referred to as "the new geometry" of international relations.

Beijing’s hold on Nepal will have long-term implications for India

India introduced the Agnipath system of recruitment in its military, denying regular recruitment to thousands of Nepalese Gurkhas into the Indian Army,  not only aggravating unemployment in Nepal, but more importantly, shattering the strong bond between the Indian and Nepalese armies.

Dalai Lama in the US: Opportunity for Biden in election year to make a statement to China as India watches

From the Indian standpoint Prime Minister Modi may like to keep the Tibetan issue on the foreign policy agenda of his third term while dealing with a recalcitrant China. Its particular reference to the Tibetan issue remaining unresolved in accordance with international law may provide some opening to New Delhi to work on given the historical sensitivities of India's border dispute with China. 

More on Indo Pacific - China Watch

Is Japan's move towards militarisation beneficial for the region?

Instead of relying solely on the West and strengthening military preparations against Beijing, Japan should play its own diplomatic role as China's neighbor in de-escalating regional tensions, creating a different atmosphere in the Indo-Pacific region. 

Firefight-phobic PLA purchases advanced maces. How much longer will India manage disputed borders ‘bulletlessly’?

The CPC-PLA combo’s very smart use of bullet-less border management agreements, incursions/transgressions, and building villages along the LAC is continuing because the Indian Army is following bullet-less methods initiated by the Chinese even after losing 20 soldiers including a colonel by PLA’s brutal and barbaric attack in June 2020.

The free world should not succumb to Beijing’s Taiwan blackmail

The rest of the democratic world and the alliance of free nations need to stand in solidarity with Taiwan now more than ever, as Taiwan remains the last bastion against the growing autocratic forces, even surpassing Ukraine in terms of criticality and the costs at stake.

Hard power replacing soft power: China’s spy balloon marks a new phase of big-power confrontation

The balloon incident is a brazen willingness by Beijing to flex its power outside its region, and to challenge the US at its continental base, magnifying its continuous attempts to expand its influence across the world through intelligence efforts targeting businesses, universities and other institutions.

India's 'complex' ties with Russia, Indo-Pacific security to figure during Blinken visit to India

“What will be even more interesting is immediately following that ministerial meeting, the Secretary will participate in a panel at the Raisina Dialogue”, Lu said. “I’m not aware that they’ve ever had an hour-long public event where the four foreign ministers have had a chance to talk about the Quad, and to demonstrate how it is getting tangible and concrete things done in the Indo-Pacific”, he said. 

Can good journalism shape better India-China relations?

Journalism takes the centre stage in Sino-Indian relations as it builds narratives, perceptions and a repertoire of political attitudes that can recreate, reshape and reprocess the original information that journalism disseminates. This becomes even more challenging when the audience is a few billion people  - considering China and India together - and their consumption of information is not just restricted to the conventional legacy media but also vibrant social media in the digital space. 

China's military and economic muscle-flexing puts Indo-Pacific region on a knife-edge

Taiwan is but one piece in China’s arc of aggression that runs through the Indo-Pacific region and veers into the Himalayas for the border confrontation with India. The US sees Beijing’s policy in the region as a step towards global domination.

Nepal's strategic importance makes it courted by major powers

Like other nonaligned states in South Asia, Nepal seeks strategic space to pursue relations with China, India, and the United States on its own terms. That’s harder to do as countries fall over one another to court Kathmandu.

Bangladesh-Myanmar military cooperation can enhance regional stability

Strengthening military cooperation has the potential to provide strategic benefits for both of them. Due to their geostrategic importance, Bangladesh and Myanmar have become a hotspot in the western front’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS) and China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Top US, Indian security officials discuss military coordination over China threat; India's regional leadership commended

Separately at a meeting of the India-US initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) led by Doval and US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, the US committed to expeditiously review a GE proposal to jointly produce jet engines to power jet aircraft manufactured indigenously by India, according to the White House

Indonesia, Malaysia mull joint deterrence against 'common threats' in Indo Pacific

Indonesia sees Malaysia and Australia as key players, including Vietnam and the Philippines, in forming a stronger common cooperative platform in facing the challenges of China in the Indo-Pacific.

Bangabandhu Tunnel: A game-changing connectivity infrastructure coming up in Bangladesh with Chinese help

The tunnel will link the Asian Highway network. Through this route, goods can be moved directly across the border between India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.

With BrahMos missile, India acquires significant strike capabilities

China’s English language publication Global Times had said these "observers" - euphemism for party apparatchiks - had warned New Delhi of “new barriers” in talks related to de-escalation if India were to go ahead with the transportation of its most advanced missile to the western side of the LAC. It was also reported that China was quite riled about widening of roads on the Indian side of the LAC for the purpose of transporting heavy equipment, including BrahMos missiles.

To match Chinese border defences, Indian Army embraces rapid construction technology

The implementation of this project in Eastern Ladakh and other sectors along the LAC is going to predictably rile the Chinese.

Can Malaysian policymakers get their country out of China’s expanding orbit?

Domino effects seen in various countries at the receiving end of Beijing's political bearhug and economic penetration, from port takeovers to media influence, should warrant alarm bells in Kuala Lumpur. Policymakers here are in full awareness of this dilemma, but it takes more than political will to reimagine a new direction in Malaysia’s thinking and policy orientation.