Venu Naturopathy


Gp Capt TP Srivastava (retd.)

Gp Capt TP Srivastava (retd.)

About Gp Capt TP Srivastava (retd.)

More From Gp Capt TP Srivastava (retd.)

Will Israel strike Iran's nuclear targets following its 100-fighter strike?

If Israel fails to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities now, it will be doing an ‘INDIA’, which too failed to allow Israel to strike Kahuta in Pakistan. Pakistan today is a formidable nuclear power. Had India allowed staging facility to Israeli fighters at Jamnagar, Kahuta might have met the same fate as Osirak in Iraq.

Revival of nuclear posturing: Isnt it time for India to review its no-first-use policy?

China, Pakistan and Russia have clearly and unequivocally declared that they will exercise ‘FIRST USE OF NUKES’ option under certain circumstances. For China and Pakistan, India is the target. Yet our Chief of Defence Staff and premier think tank viz Centre for Air Power Studies, IDSA, USI and many others continue to ‘sing’ the outdated NFU…

How to prevent foggy disasters at Delhi airport

The problem each year repeats like the weather itself,  simply because of the awful behaviour of the airline ground staff. Our airline ground staff are perhaps the worst amongst developing/developed nations. 

The pre-emptive Hamas assault on Israel has a bitter lesson for India

With the LoC and now even LAC active around the year conventional artillery might be supplemented with Hamas-type rockets, both by China and Pakistan, Pakistan in particular. India's vital military establishments and civilian targets are right across the LoC and vulnerable to such strikes. A few jihadis from Pakistan have already threatened…