UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

As world temperatures soar, UN chief calls for global action

“All countries must deliver by next year nationally determined contributions – or national climate action plans – aligned to limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius”, he said

India facing ‘completely unjustified’ pressure over Russia ties, says Lavrov; attacks West for criticising "Asian giants"

Bracketing China with India, Lavrov attacked the West’s criticism of these “Asian giants”. He said, “A multipolar world is a reality. It's not just a made-up of fiction”.

India to be most populous nation into next century; Pakistan third most populous

According to the data accompanying the report, India’s population is projected to grow from the 1.45 billion now to a peak of 1.7 billion in 2064 when the decline begins and register 1.5 billion in 2100, a 12 per cent drop.

UN warns of ‘risk of full-scale’ war on Israel-Lebanon border

The Indian peacekeepers are a part of the 10,000-strong 49-nation UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) charged by the Security Council to work with Lebanese national forces to keep order in the volatile section known as the Blue Line that separates Lebanon and Israel.

More on UN Watch

Call at UN to make India-launched Mission LIFE a collective movement to address environmental challenges

Mission LIFE adds “a synergy of individual choices and global collaboration” as “an important force in addressing environmental challenges”, the senior UN official said.

Pakistan set to get elected to UNSC as non-permanent member

If elected, Pakistan, which has used every opportunity at the UN to bring up Kashmir even on unrelated discussions, can be expected to keep harping on it on a platform that will give it more visibility.

India-UN Development Fund is seen as ‘epitome of South-South cooperation’

India’s Permanent Representative Ruchira Kamboj said, “India stands as a pillar of leadership and advocacy for the Global South”. 

Why the UN is unable to condemn and fight global terrorism

The justification of terrorism has prevented the adoption of the CCIT and Pakistan presents the prime example of this ideology.

Fighting climate change: India walks the talk

An unusual project of the Fund was to install solar panels on the official residences of heads of state of 11 Pacific island nations as a way to highlight the importance of solar power and demonstrate its use.

With the Security Council ‘crumbling’, India says ‘naysayers’ should be stopped from blocking UN reform

A 12-member group of countries known as Uniting for Consensus, which is led by Italy and has Pakistan as a leading member, has used procedural tactics to prevent the adoption of a negotiating text because they oppose expanding the permanent membership of the Council, a demand of the majority of UN's 193 members.

Two Bangladeshi peacekeepers injured in attack on UN convoy in Mali

It was the second deadliest peacekeeping operation - 310 peacekeepers have died in the mission, 18 from Bangladesh, according to UN data.

Former Indian diplomat to head UN panel on artificial intelligence

Guterres cast a wide net for talent to be on the panel, which includes government officials and religious leaders, academics and activists, and business figures from technology companies like Google and Sony, drawn from every continent.

UN fails the world again: Big-power duels stymie efforts to mitigate humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Four resolutions on Gaza have failed at the Council in the last ten days, with Russia and the US vetoing one each, illustrating the inefficacy of the UN’s highest decision-making body when the national interests of the permanent members collide.

Blinken cites India's 26/11, L-e-T while denouncing terrorism as 'unjustifiable'; Pakistan reacts

Some have suggested that Western countries have double standards in how they view Palestinian and Israeli lives....Blinken said, “There is no hierarchy when it comes to protecting civilian lives.  A civilian is a civilian is a civilian, no matter his or her nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, faith”.

Modi 'stood in solidarity with Israel' as they faced terror attacks, says India

He said that “India backed the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable state of Palestine, living within secure and recognised borders, side by side in peace with Israel, taking into account the legitimate security concerns of Israel”.

Pakistan defends terrorism under guise of ‘freedom-fighting’; bizarre attempt to link Palestine with Kashmir

It is this facile logic of Pakistan and some other countries that terrorists deemed by a country to be “freedom fighters” are not terrorists that has impeded the adoption of an international convention against terrorism proposed by India.

2017 massacre of Hindus by Rohingya in Myanmar could qualify as ‘international crime’: UN investigator

Amnesty International said that its 2018 report on the massacre of the Hindus was “based on dozens of interviews conducted there and across the border in Bangladesh, as well as photographic evidence analysed by forensic pathologists”.

An isolated US vetoes UNSC resolution calling for ‘humanitarian pause’ in Hamas-Israel conflict

The US sole negative vote that was a veto of the Brazil-sponsored resolution plays into the hands of the Palestinians and Russia by showing Washington’s isolation from even its allies on the broader situation.

Gaza ceasefire resolution co-sponsored by Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia fails in UNSC

Guterres has said that the Middle East is on “the verge of an abyss” and called on Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza where food and water supplies are perilously dwindling and people are not able to move out.