Man in the Crucible of Devastation and Avarice

Whether you write

Ashok Sawhny Jan 21, 2021

Whether you write
Or, on canvas paint
It’s all refined Art.
And so is the spoken word
If it flows
From deep within the Heart

Else, it’s all fake, untrue
A Make-believe
A copy if you will,
Prompted by
Demeaning Lucre
A filling of the hungry till.

Disabled much is Man now
In Heart, Body and
The need of the hour
Is to make him again
Truly, truly whole.

What needs to be done
May well debatable
But the need for it
Is pressing indeed
No great mystery

Else, Man will Man Destroy
Lethal, both action
And thought,
Forget weapons
Where hearts and minds
Are so easily bought.

The connect between
Man and his Maker
Tenuous, to say the least,
As we witness
The rise from within Man
Of the always present, beast

That part of him which needs
A burial, beneath the grains of goodness
That lie dormant within him today,
That faith and belief in the One
Who now needs To show again to Man, the way.

Man today lies
In the crucible of devastation
Avarice and greed,
From which must emerge
A nobler soul
Distinctly, Whole.4

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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