Photo: Sapan News

Sigma Huda: Bangladeshi lawyer who was a passionate fighter for justice and a fairer world

In 2007, she was awarded Pope John Paul II Wellspring of Freedom Award for dedicating her life to upholding human rights and combating injustice.

Sri Lankan vignette: Grassroots education thrives amid rural poverty

With free education for all between five to 16 years instituted since 1945, Sri Lanka boasts the highest literacy rate, nearly 99 per cent , in the South Asian region.

What is the purpose of life?

It is the nature of the human brain that when we go deeper into anything then we all discover the truth and beauty in this world, and this process helps us understand the purpose of our existence and life.  

Ravindra Randeniya: Thespian of a bygone era of Sri Lankan cinema

As I heard Ravindra’s colleagues reflect on his life, his work, and his character over time, I couldn’t help reflecting on where Sri Lankan cinema had been and what it could be. In the 1980s and 1990s, and even earlier, Sri Lanka had been a top destination for international productions. Steven Spielberg had come here with Harrison Ford. So had Gregory PeckWilliam HoldenElizabeth Taylor, and Bo Derek.

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India gets back more stolen antiquities from the US

The operation targeting Kapoor began around 2011 after a tipoff from Indian officials and discovered a web of crime spanning India  Afghanistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Remembering W. Khan and his love affair with the harmonium

This 12 July marked the 100th birthday of an airline executive who died young – an accomplished Urdu poet and, above all, “an amazing practitioner of Indian classical music” who elevated the humble harmonium to a solo instrument

Dramatizing an ancient Sindhi folk tale with South Asian relevance

The River’s Daughter addresses urgent contemporary concerns about environmental destruction caused by the unethical practices of developers and extractive industries – issues that are relevant not just to Pakistan but all of South Asia.

Will NMACC speak truth to power through the arts?

Will the cultural centre established by the Ambani’s support dissent and debate, and encourage freedom of expression, as is expected of a world-class arts and culture institute? Will it open its nine-star doors to Dalits and Adivasis, other than to put them on “display” as folk artists?

Yoga is a way of life, it should be free from commercialisation: Modi in New York

“Yoga comes from India and it has a very old tradition”, Modi said, "but like all ancient Indian traditions, it is also living, dynamic”.

All roads lead to Kabir: South Asian diaspora celebrates the mystic poet-philosopher and his vast oeuvre

The Kabir festival idea arose from the need to develop a sense of cooperation amongst the people from South Asia that call this area home, conceived as an entirely voluntary effort by community members.

Recalling Mehar Baba, India’s legendary aviator and his flying exploits

While the British conferred the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) on Meher Singh, the Indian Air Force awarded him the MVC (Maha Vir Chakra). The citation for the MVC awarded to Mehar Singh read “Throughout his tenure as overall Commander of air operations in Jammu and Kashmir, Air Commodore Mehar Singh showed great devotion to duty at great personal risk and set an example to those serving under him”. 

Love in the time of division: The making of India’s first forum for interfaith arts and dialogue

The prevalent majoritarian politics necessitated the need to work towards interfaith harmony. I drew strength from the memory of the anti-CAA-NRC protest movement, when the power of the people coursed through the streets of India.

Global warming impacting Mt Everest: Is it also turning into the world's highest garbage dump?

Mount Everest’s glaciers have lost 2,000 years of ice in just the past 30 years, according to recent research. This is not only alarming for those residing in the mountainous areas but also poses a threat to everyone in the region, particularly those living downstream. Much of South Asia depends on rivers that originate in the Himalayas for agriculture and drinking water. 

When artistic freedom becomes a propaganda tool: Film on Hindu rightwing icon Veer Savarkar distorts history

In response to the teaser of the film, Netaji's daughter Anita Pfaff told the Times of India, "Like Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji was opposed to the divisiveness based on religious differences. Let Sarvarkar's followers join Netaji in his vision for India and not hijack him for views that certainly were not his."  

Tagore's immortal words resonate at Indian Arrival Day in Trinidad and Tobago

Dookeran pointed out that a journey for freedom, is what ignited the 'Yatra Jaaree Hai' (the journey had begun). In India in modern times, that freedom was given political expression in 1947; it was not only the freedom of India, and it soon spread to all places that was called the British Empire in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean"

Little known heroes of Indian Air Force's 44 Squadron: 50 years of crucial airlifts

During the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) operations in Sri Lanka, 44 Squadron played a crucial role in transporting men and material, including T-72 tanks and artillery guns, in the early hours of 30 July 1987, greatly contributing to the airlift effort.

The reality behind the window dressing: An Afghan perspective on the US 'war on terror' in Afghanistan and Iraq

One of the key learnings for me as a linguist and interpreter at the frontline of the Afghan war and occupation for years, that I cannot forget and forgive, was that the US politicians and policymakers did not support and establish secular institutions in Afghanistan. They deceived both the American and the Afghan people. 

“Congratulations! It’s a girl!” How one crusader helped change attitudes toward daughters in an Indian state

Young women in Haryana are proving themselves in male-centric sports like wrestling, winning on national and international platforms. They include Geeta Phogat, Vinesh Phogat, and Sakshi Malik, besides the pilot Priyanka; Miss World Manushi Chillar; gold medalist shooter Mannu Bhakar; and Khap Panchayat participant Ritu. These women, and many more, are defying social norms; and bring laurels to the state and the country.

Prayers and calls to find missing Indian climber, a passionate peace enthusiast, in Nepal

Anurag believed strongly in the common civilization shared by India and Pakistan. “It seems visible even today looking at the twin sister cities, Delhi - Lahore and Mumbai - Karachi,” he said.