N S Venkataraman

N S Venkataraman

About N S Venkataraman

The author is a Trustee, NGO Nandini Voice for the Deprived

More From N S Venkataraman

Sri Lankan PM should heed more expert advice, rather than voices of politicians

Sri Lanka’s governance should be guided by technologists, engineers and economic experts, and not by politicians at the present time

Where is the roadmap to restore Sri Lanka's glory?

Today, Sri Lanka needs the Singapore model of governance where the stick and carrot policy is elegantly used, with citizens living with confidence in the government about maintaining law and order and fair play

Sri Lanka should form a national government and stop depending on China

There is this accusation that Sri Lanka is governed like a family concern by the Rajapaksas. This impression should be removed

The world should sympathize with the plight of Tibetans too

Tibetans wonder why the world is largely indifferent to their plight at the hands of the Chinese government and has not responded the way it sympathizes with the plight of Ukrainians

What lessons should India learn from Ukraine crisis?

India’s decision to abstain from voting against Russia in UNSC could turn the world opinion against New Delhi if there is a war with China and Pakistan

A growth-oriented balanced budget for India

This is a very balanced budget as it boosts spending towards growth-oriented policies that would boost manufacturing, help agri economy and infrastructure creation

Sri Lanka needs to choose its friends wisely

Sri Lanka should not go the way Pakistan has gone by almost reducing It to the status of extended territory of China

Governance in Tamil Nadu: More politics than economics?

The DMK government has also taken steps to collect gold, silver and diamonds in possession of temples and melt the gold and silver to augment the state’s financial resource

Rajaji: His support for free enterprise and opposition to state capitalism was proved right

It would be appropriate to celebrate the birthday of Rajaji - not just an independence activist, but a lawyer, writer and statesman - at least next year as a day of free enterprise

In repeal of farm laws, Modi showed statesmanship

With Pakistan and China wanting to fish in troubled waters in India, the Modi government has attempted to douse the fire by withdrawing the farm laws