Photo: Lok Sabha

Unruling parliamentary behaviour setting a bad example for Indian democracy

The proceedings of the recent parliamentary session create doubts as to whether our MPs are capable of setting up such standards. By their behavior as seen currently, they are setting up a very bad example for the younger generation and are doing great harm to the fiber and fabric of a resurgent India.

Quota unrest in Bangladesh has lessons for India

There should also be no doubt that these protests are being fueled by China and Pakistan to depose the pro-India Sheikh Hasina Government and install a pro-Islamist anti-India government like the erstwhile BNP-led government in Bangladesh. 

Rumblings in the BJP point to a more fundamental problem

The reality is that communal politics of the kind played by the BJP, led by Prime Minister Modi, has stopped paying dividends of the kind that it once did. 

A Republican future and its impact on international relations

As the world watches the unfolding drama in the United States, the implications for South Asia, particularly India, Pakistan, and China, are profound

More on Perspective

How rural India is changing - not necessarily for the better

I feel one of the important reasons for rural migration is the non-availability of good high schools.  Too often good people go to big cities for better schools for their children. Excellent schools in rural areas can help attract good educated and professional people to these areas which in turn can also benefit from their contributions in various fields.

Remembering Gandhi: Symbols he conceived and used were transformative

Be it charkha or khadi, the symbols Gandhi espoused have remained so strong that even now when we talk of a "Atma Nirbhar Bharat", (a self-reliant India), they ignite our minds with a sense of mission and pride.

India-France relations demonstrate a strong strategic bond

With both India and France supporting a multi-polar world order led by democracies, France has been a supporter of India’s claims to permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Is restoring the plural Idea of India possible?

Hysteria cannot be combated by hysteria. We need the ideology which binds the weaker sections of society, the Dalits, religious minorities, women, workers and Adivasis.

A targeted military operation to purge Kashmir Valley of terrorists

During Operation Sarpvinash, several terror bases containing large food storage, communications devices, arms, ammunition, and even medicines were destroyed. With the kind of supplies and the discovery of a large number of bunkers during Operation Sarpvinash, there was some comparison to the infiltrations India saw during the Kargil War.

How to prevent foggy disasters at Delhi airport

The problem each year repeats like the weather itself,  simply because of the awful behaviour of the airline ground staff. Our airline ground staff are perhaps the worst amongst developing/developed nations. 

Caught in a cleft stick: Congress' invite rejection reflects its dilemma over Hindu vote

It would seem as if the Congress Party were going for broke by rejecting the invitation quite aware that it is unlikely to win even the moderately right-leaning Hindu electorate, let alone the hard Hindu right, in the foreseeable future. 

Modi's Christian outreach: Wooing a marginalised community for electoral gains?

The anti-Christian violence is a low-radar activity where the priests working in remote areas are apprehended when they are conducting prayer meetings in particular.

To avoid climate catastrophe, developed nations need to acknowledge historical culpability

For nations like Bangladesh, it is an issue of concern since it will be difficult to successfully carry out national climate action plans for adaptation and mitigation in the absence of explicit financial commitments from wealthier nations. 

New criminal justice laws in India are repressive

What is perceptible is the government’s intention to destroy the fabric of human rights protection in India and to increase the power of the government to control and oppress the people of India.

IMF prescribed mantras not in Sri Lanka's interests

From Sri Lanka’s example of periodically falling into a BOP crisis, one might wonder if IMF-prescribed solutions (or terms and conditions attached to IMF funding) ever help small nations like Sri Lanka to achieve long-term BOP stability. 

The flawed criminal justice system in India: Rape law reforms need political will to transform mindsets

The cavalier attitude and patronizing politics of a patriarchal society need to change to eliminate the social stigma of the victim in rape trials in India.

IAF set for critical replenishments to meet growing threats

Reportedly, a part of China’s dole to Pakistan in March 2022 was the multirole J-10C fighter jets which can be interconnected with their Chinese counterparts through the PLA air force's KJ-500 early warning aircraft.

Avoiding Himalayan disasters: Need to heed geological warnings

A number of such disasters could have been avoided if local geology was understood or warnings from experts had been heeded

Crying for justice: Need for Indian government to make speedy justice delivery a mission

The time for half-hearted attempts, and/or conventional methods, has gone by when it comes to delivering justice in India.