GOPIO Convention 2024 to discuss opportunities for Indian diaspora in India's 'manifest future'

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) will host GOPIO 2024 Global Convention of People of Indian Origin April 26-28, 2024 at the Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey., US  The convention will focus on India’s Present and the Future and what role the Diaspora Indians can play in helping to realize this desirable future. The theme of the convention is ‘Opportunities for Diaspora Indians in India’s Big Manifest Future.’ 

Feb 01, 2024
GOPIO International officials at the Kick-off Planning Meeting, from l. to r. VP Ram Gadhavi, Global Ambassador Prakash Shah, President Lal Motwani and Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) will host GOPIO 2024 Global Convention of People of Indian Origin April 26-28, 2024 at the Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey., US  The convention will focus on India’s Present and the Future and what role the Diaspora Indians can play in helping to realize this desirable future. The theme of the convention is ‘Opportunities for Diaspora Indians in India’s Big Manifest Future.’ 

GOPIO Executive Council has appointed New Jersey businessman Prakash Shah as the Convention Convener. At the kick-off ceremony on January 28, Shah said, “Lauding the positive optimistic vision prevailing in India, presents an opportunity to Invest in India which provides the best and biggest opportunity in the World. The Bombay Stock Exchange has just crossed $4 Trillion and has overtaken Hong Kong to become the third largest in the world. While India needs the 35 million Diaspora to invest, it is an incredible opportunity for the Diaspora to prosper.”

GOPIO International and Chapter Officials with the Convention Team at the Lamp Lighting Ceremony to Kick-off the Convention 2024 Planning
GOPIO International and Chapter Officials with the Convention Team at the Lamp Lighting Ceremony to Kick-off the Convention 2024 Planning

GOPIO President Lal Motwani, who had earlier served as the Convener of GOPIO convention in New York in 2016, said, “We are doing this major event in the USA after 8 years, this time in New Jersey. This is a big opportunity for our vibrant community in the Tr- State Area and in the USA to participate and help with this very important event for the 35 million strong Indian Diaspora.”

GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham spoke about the history of GOPIO and its accomplishments since the formation of GOPIO in 1989, the implementation of the resolutions passed by the First GOPIO Convention which included, Dual Nationality and Voting Rights for NRIs.

Dr. Abraham said, “Govt. of India fulfilled halfway on Dual Nationality by issuing Overseas Indian Citizen (OCI) Card and voting rights for Indian citizens living outside India if they register at their home constituency.” Dr. Abraham further said that the organization was started 35 years ago to look after and campaign against the human rights violations of the Indian Diaspora worldwide and that the Diaspora has now achieved success in becoming political mainstream in most countries.

Five conference sessions are planned at the convention, Diaspora Youth and Young Achievers and the role they can play in India’s Future and how GOPIO can facilitate their participation; Diaspora Women and their Growing Contributions in Various Sectors; Technologies and AI and other Innovations: Diaspora Indians Leading Research and Innovations; GOPIO Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Worldwide Networking of the Diaspora Businesses; and Medical and Health Issues and how Diaspora Indians can Participate in India’s Frontline Role in Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Medical Tourism and in Propagating YOGA and its Benefits.

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Sun, 04/07/2024 - 14:33
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The leadership crisis that engulfed OpenAI for nearly a week ended almost as abruptly as it began: With a terse, cryptic announcement by the company that would have enormous ramifications for its future.

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Sun, 04/07/2024 - 14:34
Trump asks federal appeals court to reconsider its decision largely upholding gag order
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ormer President Donald Trump is asking a federal appeals court to reconsider its decision earlier this month largely upholding the gag order issued against him in his federal election subversion case.

Trump, in a Monday filing to the US DC Circuit Court of Appeals, asked the three-judge panel that handled the issue to either rehear it or for the issue to be considered en banc, meaning the case would be heard by the full court.

Trump’s attorneys also asked the court to temporarily freeze the gag order while it considers their request for the case to be reheard.
Earlier this month, the three-judge panel said in a unanimous decision that Trump can be barred from talking about witnesses as well as prosecutors, the court staff and their family members.

But the court said the gag order does not apply to comments made about special counsel Jack Smith and narrowed the prohibition Trump had regarding speaking about witnesses in the case, a change from the original gag order.

“The opinion holds that President Trump must be silenced to protect trial participants from possible threats or ‘harassment’ from unrelated third parties,” Trump’s attorneys wrote in the 22-page filing.

“In doing so, the opinion conflicts with decisions of the Supreme Court and other Circuits, warranting en banc consideration both to secure uniformity of this Court’s decisions and because of the question’s exceptional importance,” they wrote.
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Mon, 05/06/2024 - 16:06
Plans for striking $1-billion spiral-shaped Hollywood tower bursting with greenery unveiled

Celebrated architect Norman Foster has unveiled plans for a new $1-billion office tower in ?Los Angeles that will see greenery spilling out from a series of terraces spiraling up its facade.

The eye-catching proposal, which was formally submitted to city planning authorities this week, will transform a two-acre site on Hollywood’s Sunset Boulevard into a 22-story entertainment industry workplace dubbed The Star.
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Tue, 05/07/2024 - 02:10
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Thu, 05/30/2024 - 02:16
Trump asks federal appeals court to reconsider its decision largely upholding gag order
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ormer President Donald Trump is asking a federal appeals court to reconsider its decision earlier this month largely upholding the gag order issued against him in his federal election subversion case.

Trump, in a Monday filing to the US DC Circuit Court of Appeals, asked the three-judge panel that handled the issue to either rehear it or for the issue to be considered en banc, meaning the case would be heard by the full court.

Trump’s attorneys also asked the court to temporarily freeze the gag order while it considers their request for the case to be reheard.
Earlier this month, the three-judge panel said in a unanimous decision that Trump can be barred from talking about witnesses as well as prosecutors, the court staff and their family members.

But the court said the gag order does not apply to comments made about special counsel Jack Smith and narrowed the prohibition Trump had regarding speaking about witnesses in the case, a change from the original gag order.

“The opinion holds that President Trump must be silenced to protect trial participants from possible threats or ‘harassment’ from unrelated third parties,” Trump’s attorneys wrote in the 22-page filing.

“In doing so, the opinion conflicts with decisions of the Supreme Court and other Circuits, warranting en banc consideration both to secure uniformity of this Court’s decisions and because of the question’s exceptional importance,” they wrote.
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