Black goat is black gold: Increasing purchasing power of India's tribals

NGOs also play a crucial role in empowering India's 60 million tribal population and helping them become self-sufficient

May 19, 2021
Photo Courtesy : PIB

NGOs also play a crucial role in empowering India's 60 million tribal population and helping them become self-sufficient. Eshein Agro Livestock is one such NGO, which has been shouldering the responsibility of training and handholding the tribals in goat-rearing projects. 

This project called "Black Gold; Rope for life'' started when Dr. Nilratan Shende witnessed hunger and starvation death in Melghat during his Ph.D and decided to set up an NGO. And thus was born EAGL (Eshein Agro Livestock).

Dr. Shende was quite elated to narrate the story to PIB. “Our focus is on increasing the purchasing power of the tribals. We consider livestock as a coping mechanism for them. What started with personal savings and five families in 2012 has gone on to enrich the lives of 8,000 families so far.  Government bodies like Mazgaon Dockyard Ltd. helped 200 tribal families with funds worth Rs. 1.3 crore. 

Tribals consider the rope in the neck of the goat as their lifeline. They consider the black goats as black gold in their life.

The biggest challenge EAGL faced was the legacy occupation of the tribals; they had been working in brick kilns for more than 30-40 years, said Dr. Shinde. “We had to wean them away from that work. Now, they have more than 3-4 lakh worth livestock in their homes.”

By creating a successful goatery business model for tribals, EAGL wants to create a model which can be employed on a large scale, something which can be copied in other parts of the country too, after making suitable local adaptations. “Sustainability and charity is our motto. We want to convince people that they need not migrate for livelihood”, says Dr Shende.

Selection of the beneficiary, doorstep facility of veterinarian, insurance, etc. are provided for risk mitigation. Robust monitoring of the whole project is done by EAGL. Dr. Shinde explains how their interventions have benefited the tribals: "We visit them before they go out for grazing. It has improved their confidence, working conditions, health indicators and asset ownership.”

This shows how enterprising tribal youth can not only earn livelihood but can create a prosperous life for themselves and also help create a sustainable and healthy future for others.

(Contact Details for officials and NGOs

Shri Nitin Patil MD, Shabari – 9324829136

Dr. Nilratan Shende -  8879798755

Shri Sunil Pawar - 7378956592)


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