N S Venkataraman

N S Venkataraman

About N S Venkataraman

The author is a Trustee, NGO Nandini Voice for the Deprived

More From N S Venkataraman

Islam at crossroads: Moderates need to assert themselves

Islam and Christianity are two religions that are well entrenched in all countries in the world. However, other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism have only a marginal presence in most countries

COVID-19: China should not be allowed to lift lockdown in hotspots

It is now recognized all over the world that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan region in China and China did not forewarn the world at the right time about what is now known as the China virus disaster

To revive economy, India needs massive investments in multiple sectors

It has been reported that all over the world, recession has set in after the COVID 19 disaster

Covid-19: Has China failed the world?

US President Donald Trump has been repeatedly accusing China of not informing the world adequately and in time about the seriousness of the Coronavirus outbreak in China, which has caught several countries unaware

Hanging criminals is justified, but not rejoicing over it

After more than seven years of protracted judicial proceedings, four criminals who abused ‘Nirbhaya’ - a media moniker for a young paramedic who was gang-raped and killed in December 2012 - have been finally hanged in India

Develop detachment: Hindu philosophy can help prevent panic attacks from coronavirus

When the coronavirus attacks started in the Wuhan region in China, many governments and people around the world thought it was a localized affair and the Chinese government would tackle it