Arul Louis

Arul Louis

About Arul Louis

The author a New York-based journalist, is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Society for Policy Studies

More From Arul Louis

As world temperatures soar, UN chief calls for global action

“All countries must deliver by next year nationally determined contributions – or national climate action plans – aligned to limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius”, he said

India facing ‘completely unjustified’ pressure over Russia ties, says Lavrov; attacks West for criticising "Asian giants"

Bracketing China with India, Lavrov attacked the West’s criticism of these “Asian giants”. He said, “A multipolar world is a reality. It's not just a made-up of fiction”.

India to be most populous nation into next century; Pakistan third most populous

According to the data accompanying the report, India’s population is projected to grow from the 1.45 billion now to a peak of 1.7 billion in 2064 when the decline begins and register 1.5 billion in 2100, a 12 per cent drop.

UN warns of ‘risk of full-scale’ war on Israel-Lebanon border

The Indian peacekeepers are a part of the 10,000-strong 49-nation UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) charged by the Security Council to work with Lebanese national forces to keep order in the volatile section known as the Blue Line that separates Lebanon and Israel.

Pakistan’s desperate attempts to raise Kashmir at UN gets no traction; India is dismissive

While India does directly take on Pakistan by naming it by exercising its formal right of reply on major issues, New Delhi does not name it on other occasions like on Tuesday to deprive Islamabad of an opportunity to prolong the issue, which is ignored by almost all the other 192 members of the UN, but at the same time making a clear rebuttal…

UNSC needs comprehensive reform to remedy structural dysfunction, declares India

It is high time to bring the Council in line with its Charter responsibility to act on behalf of the entire Membership”, but “this will not be achieved without enhancing the membership in both the categories” permanent and non-permanent, he emphasised.

UN chief urges global fight against tyranny of algorithm-driven digital media promoting disinformation

Turning to the role of governments, he said, “Commit to creating and maintaining a free, viable, independent, and plural media landscape”.

Yoga Day: An island of mindfulness in New York’s frenetic Times Square

The “Mind Over Madness” yoga celebrations at Times Square on Solstice Day has been going on for 22 years, starting a dozen years before the United Nations General Assembly created the International Day of Yoga.

Uniting power of yoga: World’s citizens to gather at UN

Modi presented the idea of an International Day of Yoga in September 2014 at his first address to the General Assembly, declaring, “Yoga is an invaluable gift from our ancient tradition”.

India for universal condemnation of countries providing arms to terrorists

India, he noted, is a member of the Wassenaar Arrangement, an international pact against illegal transfer of arms and dual use items. Pakistan and China are not participants in