Venu Naturopathy


Manahil Jaffer

Manahil Jaffer

About Manahil Jaffer

More From Manahil Jaffer

Pakistan seeking to reshape regional dynamics through stronger Central Asia, Azerbaijan ties

Pakistan’s pivot to geo-economics has gained significant momentum, particularly in the context of its deepening ties with Central Asian Republics and Azerbaijan, aligning with the country's goal of becoming a regional trade hub

Twin nations that chose different trajectories: A Pakistani perspective

The very idea of Pakistan was based on the Two-Nation Theory which emphasized Muslims’ different way of life from that of the Hindus in the subcontinent. However, the mere religious identity of a nation without reconciling Pakistan’s diverse ethnic, linguistic, and cultural groups was not enough to hold it together. 

Rampant smuggling across Afghan-Pak border jeopardising regional security

Smuggling activities along the Afghan border are often linked with militant groups and organized crime. The illegal trade of arms has contributed to the proliferation of the "Kalashnikov culture" across the length and breadth of Pakistan. 

Can Afghanistan transcend its dubious legacy of terrorism?

Madrassas in Pakistan and Afghanistan, often funded by Gulf states, have spread extremist ideologies. Saudi-financed madrasas in Pakistan taught Wahhabism, fostering a transnational network of militants using Afghanistan as a base. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia provided substantial aid and funding to these madrassas and the Mujahideen, promoting…

NATO’s 75th Anniversary Summit: Profound implications for Indo-Pacific geopolitics and regional security

The participation of Indo-Pacific partners in the NATO summit epitomizes the breaking of traditional geopolitical barriers, ushering in what is often referred to as "the new geometry" of international relations.