Collins Chong Yew Keat

Collins Chong Yew Keat

About Collins Chong Yew Keat

More From Collins Chong Yew Keat

The Quad remains relevant in upholding Indo Pacific security

Quad does create an overarching arc of stability in the region, checking the expansion capacity of Beijing, which will in turn boost India’s regional ambitions that are mutually aligned with the Quad’s objectives.

Modi visits to Brunei, Singapore show India's commitment to Indo Pacific engagement

Modi marked a new chapter in his strategic geopolitical moves over the past few months since the start of his third term with visits to the region and to Ukraine. All these marked a new frontier for India’s power projection while sending a clear message to allies and adversaries that New Delhi has its own bargaining chips in pursuance of its…

China pushes the red line: Growing challenges to rules-based order and international norms in the South China Sea

New power tools being used by China to expand regional dominance have heightened regional security dilemmas and sparked arms races.  They have also caused systemic wariness among nations of the Indo-Pacific who will long for the status quo of a stable rules-based order.

Quad and now the Squad: New power equations in the Indo-Pacific

This new bloc is vital for both the US and regional players, especially the Philippines which is not part of the original Quad. For Australia and Japan, this new partnership represents a more focused security arrangement with greater on-the-ground ease of conducting military activities as compared to the more bureaucratic Quad.

India's rising power benefits the Indo Pacific

India’s inevitable regional and global leadership  provides a welcome new opening for the country and the region in their security calculations. It remains the region’s most important Asian partner in providing the economic and security fallback that is based on values, trust and proven expectations. 

Can Australia overcome ASEAN divide to promote a common Indo-Pacific security vision?

Australia has succeeded in sending a strong message to both ASEAN and China. To ASEAN, Canberra has communicated its commitment both in economic and security terms. The keyword will be a free and open Indo-Pacific, which is in line with the overall security vision of the West. 

Why America and the West remain critical for Indo -Pacific security

The US meanwhile, remains resilient in its future demographic and economic growth projection and stability, alongside the prospects of India. The so-called rise of China is now reversing, and the perceived decline of the US and the West is not happening.

Why Taiwan election results are important for future of democracy and containment of China

Beijing might still use this election victory for President Tsai as a pretext to increase aggression and to justify that peaceful reunification is a lost cause, portraying the DPP as the cause of increasing cross-Strait tensions.

Why Malaysia is strategically important to China in its IOR calculations

Melaka is also seen as a possible counterbalancing base against potential power presence in the Nicobar Island chain in the Andaman Sea and as a fallback in complementing China's existing forward bases and port capacities in Gwadar in Pakistan and in linking up with the other routes in accessing the Indian Ocean.

China's cartographic brinkmanship amid its rising internal challenges will exacerbate Indo-Pacific tensions

India is increasingly being courted by the US-led West as a bulwark to Beijing, and China will want to send a two-pronged message to Delhi and Washington as well as regional neighbours that Beijing still holds the economic and security upper hand, although its economic credentials have taken a serious hit.