Venu Naturopathy


Maj Gen S.G. Vombatkere (retd)

Maj Gen S.G. Vombatkere (retd)

About Maj Gen S.G. Vombatkere (retd)

More From Maj Gen S.G. Vombatkere (retd)

India In a challenging neighbourhood: Need to reach non-confrontational equilibrium with China

China’s pervasive and growing economic (finance, infrastructure, trade, and energy sectors), diplomatic, and overt/covert military influence, in Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India’s northeastern states, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Maldives, and back to Gwadar in Pakistan is amply evident. The recent bonhomie between Bangladesh and Pakistan,…

India's bridge-on-ice: A story that needs retelling

And so it was that serendipitously, a mere 90-foot SS Bailey bridge constructed to solve a problem, “accidentally” and fortuitously became the highest altitude bridge