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Lockdown musings: Life simplified but is there gender equality at home?

I slept a lot, but I was doing that in any case before the lockdown.  I read some but it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus for long with my failing eyesight

India needs to be realistic, should lift lockdown

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared lockdown all over India around 40 days back, which caught the countrymen by surprise and led to a feeling of uncertainty

Ominous are the portents today

If I could swim the meadows and walk the rivers

COVID-19 will leave a temporary scar; world economy will bounce back

In living memory, the worst disaster and miseries took place during the World War II. A large number of manufacturing units, airports, and seaports were destroyed and buildings demolished. Japan suffered the worst when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing the death of millions of innocent people

India's response to coronavirus is based on fear, not planning

There are indications/allegations that COVID-19 or coronavirus was accidentally released from a Wuhan lab

Expand Ehsaas, Extend Lockdown

Pakistan’s health crisis could explode, gravely crippling the economy and national security, if the lockdown is lifted prematurely. The whole world is grappling with the lives vs. livelihoods debate

India can shape the new world order

At a time when America’s role is tragically missing and as the world steps up its scrutiny of China, global leadership is suffering from a crisis. It is India that can step in to fill this void in leadership

Institute a global social contract to defeat pandemics

As the world is under the grip of coronavirus, there appears to be a universal breach of social contract. World leaders in democracies, autocracies or monarchies have grossly failed to give birth to a clear roadmap to mitigate the despair and desolation amid the COVID-19 outbreak

Indian Armed Forces at the forefront of COVID-19 war

India’s Armed Forces and Defence Ministry production units continue their countrywide assistance in combating the effects of COVID-19, a dirty and deadly biological 'weapon', which allegedly emanated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China and spread infection worldwide, though there has been no authoritative corroboration of this so far

1918 flu pandemic killed 12 million Indians, and British overlords' indifference strengthened the anti-colonial movement

In India, during the 1918 influenza pandemic, a staggering 12 to 13 million people died, the vast majority between the months of September and December. According to an eyewitness, “There was none to remove the dead bodies and the jackals made a feast.”

Communal profiling and media hate-mongering may have grave consequences

Arthur Koestler, a Hungarian British author, and journalist, once observed that “Man's deadliest weapon is language. He is susceptible to being hypnotized by slogans as he is to infectious diseases

In India's cities, life is lived on the streets – how coronavirus changed that

India’s coronavirus lockdown of 1.3 billion people is unprecedented in size and scope, particularly in a country where city streets are so thronged with life in all its guises

The wrath of the gods

The frenzy that we see around
The trepidation and the terror,

India should use its temple gold reserve to lift economy

Extreme times call for extreme measures. India is reeling under a chronic economic crisis. If the Indian government takes these measures then it will go a long way in mitigating the economic fallout of the COVID-19

The Ashok Desai I knew: A tribute

On 13 April 2020 Supreme Court advocate Ashok Desai, a legal luminary and former Attorney General of India, passed away in Mumbai. He was 77