Afghanistan has much to offer to tourists: Can the Taliban exploit this potential to its advantage?
Afghanistan can capitalize on its historical and cultural heritage and promote it through a campaign on the lines of “Incredible India”. The country can replicate this approach by investing in the revival of its fascinating landmarks, including the ancient city of Balkh, Minaret of Jam, Buddha of Bamiyan, Taq-i Bust of Helmand, and other historical sites.

Afghanistan, despite its decades of war history, is known for its vibrant culture, rich history and stunning landscapes, and can be one of the best tourist destinations in the world. From the breathtaking peaks of Hindu Kush, to stunning valleys of Nuristan and Kunar, and rich historical places such as Bamiyan, Balk and Herat, the country can offer unique experiences to travelers. However, decades of conflict and instability and the damage to historical places have significantly hampered the growth of tourism. The question that arises is while the Taliban are ruling the country what can be done to develop the tourism sector? What are the challenges and opportunities? And finally, which models can be adopted?
Challenges and opportunities
From nowhere, tourism has emerged under theTaliban as one of the best tools for reshaping international opinions as the number of foreign tourists kept has increasing after the collapse of the government. It significantly contributes to their international propaganda of portraying Afghanistan as a safe place for tourists, and also using it as a tool for the normalization of their regime. Moreover, in order to shape global perceptions and attract foreign currency, the de facto authorities have been promoting tourism, specifically targeting Youtubers, and Tik Tokers. Their strategy is portraying Afghanistan as a safe, stable and welcoming country under their rule, particularly for the Western tourist,
This façade contrasts with the ground realities faced by the local Afghans, specifically women. Security still remains one the biggest concerns, and tourism has been given access to controlled zones which they declare as safe zones for foreigners. The western women are given access to controlled historical sites to roam freely although the same restrictions are imposed on Afghan women, and they do not have access to local parks.
However, the undeveloped infrastructure, lack of proper transportation network to tourist spots like Wakhan Corridor, Nuristan and Kunar Valleys, and accommodation facilities further challenges the tourism sector in Afghanistan. The lack of promotion and protection of cultural heritage sites such as Buddha of Bamiyan, Minaret of Jam, Taq-i Bust of Helmand, and Ai-Khanum of Takhar diminishes the attraction of international tourists.
Despite all the obstacles, Afghanistan still has the opportunities to show the glimpses of its huge tourism potential. For instance, the Wakhan Corridor is one of the best places that can attract international travelers and mountaineers which can ultimately shape ecotourism in the country. he UNESCO-inscribed sites such as Minaret of Jam in Herat, and Buddha of Bamiyan can contribute to cultural, and religious tourism.
International models for Afghan tourism
Given the current situation in Afghanistan, the country needs a stable, internationally recognized, and locally accepted government that can adopt elements from the most successful models of India and Türkiye. For instance, India launched its “Incredible India” campaign in 2002 with the aim of promoting the rich cultural, traditional, and historical heritage of India that resulted in a 16% increase in foreign tourists in its first year. It has been proved one of the best beneficial models for the country that not only contributed to its GDP, but also played a vital role in shaping international perception towards India. Similarly, it assisted in boosting small-scale business due to increase of demand for local products such as handmade pottery, jewelry and artifacts that led to facilitation of local employment, specifically in terms of women's financial independence.
In alignment with “Incredible India”, India initiated “Atithi Devo Bhava” campaign led by Bollywood actor Aamir Khan which aimed to improve the behavior of local people, particularly taxi drivers, immigration guides, police and personnel towards international and domestic tourists. Apart from that, the campaign helped instill a sense of responsibility and preservation of India’s historical and cultural heritage as well as promoting hospitality and cleanness at tourist spots.
Considering the historical, cultural, and diverse heritage of both South Asian countries, it seems to be the appropriate path for Afghanistan to apply the learnings of India’s tourism campaigns. Afghanistan can capitalize on its historical and cultural heritage and promote it through a campaign on the lines of “Incredible India”. The country can replicate this approach by investing in the revival of its fascinating landmarks, including the ancient city of Balkh, Minaret of Jam, Buddha of Bamiyan, Taq-i Bust of Helmand, and other historical sites.
In terms of diversification, Türkiye’s strategy of tourism can be a good model for Afghanistan to replicate. After the political restructuring in the country, Türkiye experienced 210% increase in tourism between 2002 and 2014. In 2023 the number of tourists reached to 55.2 million which produced USD 55.9 million in revenue, and this number will keep increasing as the country aims to have 80 million tourists in 2028 that could produce up to USD 100 million. The Ministry of Culture and tourism, by undertaking marketing, cultural and art activities through its 46 culture and promotion offices in 41 different countries,has played a vital role in promoting Türkiye as a tourism destination. The factor that has led Türkiye to this success was diversification in offering tourism beyond its sun- and-sea model. The inclusion of health tourism (thermal spas), cultural and adventure tourism (historical place and Cappadocia), and sport tourism such as golf and winter sports boosted tourism in the country. Likewise, private-public partnerships (PPPs) were another contributing factor in making the country one of the best tourism destinations. It brought the government to work hand-in-hand with Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB) and investor association to empower the private sector to increase the employment level as in 2022 with about two million people being employed only through tourism.
Country has much to offer
With a stable and recognised government that can guarantee the safety of tourists, Afghanistan needs to focus on a strategy that brings diversification in tourism. Given its stunning landmarks, rich history and culture, mountainous sites, and Sahara, Afghanistan has much more than any country in the region to offer. If Afghanistan replicates the Turkish model, it can establish a centralised tourism organization in the form of a ministry that can involve the private sector and potential investors through PPPs. It can be handy not only in the revival of the tourism sector, but will give a boost to creating employment in local communities.
The investment on revival of historic heritage in the likes of Buddha and Ai Khanum that hold centuries of history will significantly attract international tourists. Moreover, investing on construction of small villages at these sites and facilitating accommodation for tourists will not only expose the rich Afghan culture of hospitality to the world but will help to protects its centuries-old heritage,
Furthermore, investment in a proper transport network that can facilitate transportation to the hiking and winter sports sites such as Wakhan Corridor, Hindu Kush mountains, Nuristan and Kunar Valleys will make the country one of the best destinations for winter sports and hiking tourism. All these are possible if there is an internationally accepted and locally supported government. Taliban should listen to the voice of Afghans and agree to a national dialogue that can lead to a government which can guarantee a future to both its people while saving the historical heritage of Afghanistan.
(The author is an independent Afghan researcher and writer based in Spain. Views expressed are personal. He can be contacted at )
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